BPD Junior Cadets Program

Junior Cadets at Orioles Park

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) Junior Cadets Program is a once a week after school mentorship and volunteer program for youth. It is held during after school hours (times may vary per district) and facilitated by the BPD Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCO). It is also a career path program for youth city-wide, where Baltimore youth can receive service learning hours.

Youth between the ages of 14-20 enrolled in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to learn what it takes to become one of Baltimore’s Finest! Students will participate in activities focused on career development, character education, community service, diversity, leadership, crime prevention and public safety.

Benefits of the BPD Junior Cadets

Junior Cadets receive the following benefits from the program:

          - Opportunity to meet other Junior Cadets city-wide and across the country

          - Participate in leadership activities and field trips

          - Receive service learning hours

History of BPD Junior Cadets

Junior Cadets

Since 1971, the Baltimore Police Department has worked with high school students to promote careers in law enforcement and public safety. Beyond career opportunities, this engagement provides an opportunity for mentorship and improving trust between youth and the police department.

Previously this program operated under the ‘Explorers’ program. In 2025, BPD will begin partnering with the Public Safety Cadets to continue the program under the name ‘Junior Cadet’. This naming also aims to further strengthen the career pathway from ‘Junior Cadet’ to full time ‘Cadet’ when eligible between 18 to 20 years old with a high school diploma.


About the Junior Cadet Partner Organizations

Public Safety Cadets is a national nonprofit organization founded and managed by active duty and retired law enforcement officers and businesses executives who support law enforcement. The Public Safety Cadets organization established partnership with local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies and other public safety entities to provide training and practical experiences, national programs and events, and other support that will better prepare young adults to make an informed decision about a career in the public safety sector.

We are grateful to Buddies, Inc. our fiscal sponsor, for supporting us in sustaining this program.

BPD Junior Cadets Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Become a BPD Junior Cadet?

Interested candidates between the ages of 14 and 20 years old must submit a completed application (click here or see above). Candidates will then undergo a background screening and reference check.

*Candidates cannot have any felonies or major misdemeanor convictions.

What time commitment is expected from Junior Cadets?

Each student should be able to commit at least two hours a week to the program. Additional time may be needed for events, trips or competitions. Efforts are made to accommodate Junior Cadets who may be committed to other afterschool activities such as sports.