Crime Stats
Use our Public Crime Map to view the location and details of reported crimes. Below the map, you can find preliminary crime data available through Open Baltimore.
Open Baltimore DataStats
All BPD data on Open Baltimore is preliminary data and subject to change. The information presented through Open Baltimore represents a summarized version of Part I victim based crime data. The data does not represent statistics submitted to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report (UCR); therefore any comparisons are strictly prohibited. For further clarification of UCR data, please visit note that this data is preliminary and subject to change. Prior week data is likely to show changes when it is refreshed on a weekly basis.
In May, 2020, the Baltimore Police Department began a significant upgrade to its new Records Management Systems to allow the department to transition from a paper-based system into a fully digital reporting environment. As a result of this massive transformation, we have experienced some complexities in properly and accurately translating the data from the new records system into the traditional Open Data Baltimore system. Based on our review, data on Part 1 Crime Incident Reports provided by Open Data Baltimore have been impacted starting in May, 2021 when the new system went online. BPD and the City are actively working with the vendor on a daily basis in addressing this matter as quickly as possible, so that we can fully restore our public reporting of data that ensures transparency and accountability in BPD operations.
Executive Summary
Visit the summary data at Open Baltimore to show the up-to-date Baltimore Police Department executive crime and arrest statistics (citywide and by police district) is updated by the BPD ComStat Unit on Thursday of each week. The document is available for viewing, printing, and downloading.
Visit for more options and information.
Transition to NIBRS Reporting
The Baltimore Police Department has transitioned from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program’s Summary Reporting System (SRS) to the National Incident-Based Reporting System or NIBRS, effective Jan. 1, 2025. The FBI has mandated that all law enforcement agencies across the country make the transition to NIBRS to improve the overall quality, accuracy and timeliness of crime data collected.
NIBRS-only crime and data stats will be shown on this page.