Resources and Reports

Created on June 10, 2021 5:55 pm
Last Updated on August 29, 2024 7:38 am

Click on any of the below topics to explore detailed information on the Department’s initiatives and reform progress.

Crime Reduction and Departmental Transformation Plan

Response to House Bill 771 - Community Policing Report

This report is submitted in response to House Bill 771 (Chapter 133 of the 2015 Legislative Session) – Baltimore Police Department – Reporting on Community Policing:

After-Action Review of Critical Incident at Brooklyn Homes

Annual Sexual Assault Investigations Data Reports

Each monitoring year, the BPD will publish a Sexual Assault Investigations Report to analyze and publicly report the data described in Paragraph 264 of the Consent Decree agreement. The Report will address the data from the preceding calendar year, and will describe any specific processes or measures that need to be implemented to address any gaps or difficulties, to include a time frame in which a more comprehensive report may be published.

Police Foundation Impact Reports

In 2018 and 2019, the National Police Foundation conducted a series of focus groups for BPD members and Baltimore residents. The feedback from these survey was used to inform the Community Policing Plan, which was approved by the Court on April 1, 2020.

Officer Input Report

The survey asked officers to focus on community policing – barriers to successful implementation and ways to successfully implement community policing.

  • Conducted in late 2018
  • 131 members participated in focus groups. Representation included a variety of ranks and assignments
  • Proper staffing and support from leadership were key themes as to what will make CP possible

Community Input Report

  • Over 600 people participated to help inform the Community Policing Plan
  • The report was conducted by the Police Foundation in partnership with Loyola University Maryland and The No Boundaries Coalition
  • Feedback was gathered between June 2019 and October 2019
  • Feedback was generated through focus groups, mobile field interviews and online.
  • Persons of color, immigrants, individuals with substance use, and previously incarcerated individuals were prioritized but the full demographic breakdown is available on page 11 (close to City demographics but not representative)
  • Primary Themes: Respect (non-bias policing and respect for local culture); Community Interaction; Deployment & Enforcement

Annual First Amendment Protected Activity Assessment

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) recognizes the importance of First Amendment protected activity, not only as a bedrock of our nation’s values, but also as a critical foundation for effective, transparent policing in Baltimore City. In order to ensure that BPD officers are respecting the public’s First Amendment rights, BPD conducts an annual assessment of data, events, and complaints related to First Amendment activities.

Read assessments of BPD's responses to First Amendment activities that occurred in the noted calendar years:

Annual Cell Site Simulator Reports

Annual Criminal Procedure-Cell Site Simulator Reporting In accordance with Senate Bill 246, section 2

Baltimore School Police MOU Assessment Report

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) recognizes that its partnerships with other agencies, in and outside of the city, are paramount to its core tenet to protect and serve. In order to achieve these partnerships, BPD and outside agencies often enter into a memorandum of understanding – a legally binding agreement between two or more parties that details the responsibilities and roles each party has to a common goal. BPD, the Baltimore City Public School System (BCPS) and the Baltimore School Police Force (BSP) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) with the Police Department of Baltimore City (BPD) because the agencies realize that their collaboration will facilitate achievement of their common goals of more effective, community policing throughout Baltimore City.

The parties to the MOU periodically review and renew the MOU to ensure that the interagency operations and procedures are still congruent with the goals of effective policing. The Consent Decree ensures that when renewing the MOU, BPD collects and analyzes data to inform the MOU revision process.

This report details the data collection and qualitative analyses surrounding the relationship between BSP and BPD, and makes some data collection recommendations.

BPD Response to the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF) Report

Staffing Plan & Study

In 2019, the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) hired Dr. Alexander Weiss and his research team to develop a staffing plan to guide the department in establishing sufficient personnel requirements to properly cover the Department’s operational and administrative needs including, but not limited to, community policing, training, misconduct investigations, and supervision. The original BPD Staffing Plan was filed with the court on February 27, 2020. As part of the filing, BPD drafted a response to the Plan. The response covered two areas: Workload Analysis, and Responses to Key Findings and Recommendations. Per Consent Decree Monitoring Plans, BPD is required to file annual updates to the Plan. The 2021 update was filed with the court August 16, 2021.

The following is the 2023 update and assumptions are based on a review of data and operational priorities as of August 2023.

Staffing Plan - 2023 Update

Also see:

Equal Employment Opportunity Plan

Technology Plan & Study

The BPD was required to draft a Technology Resource Study and Plan. The Study was submitted in June 2018 and assesses the current state of technology at the BPD. The Plan (aka BPD IT Assessment and Strategic Plan) was submitted in December 2018 and is a roadmap, with staffing and cost estimates, for BPD to follow to bring technology into the 21st Century.

Training Plans

Behavioral Health 911 Diversion Pilot Program Reports

This 2021 report details how the City and the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) implemented its 911 Diversion Pilot Program through trainings, virtual Quality Assurance (QA) reviews, and plans for expansion. These actions were taken to continue improving BPD’s commitment to responding to individuals with Behavioral Health Disabilities and those in Crisis in a manner that respects individuals’ civil rights, contributes to their overall health and wellness, and addresses the requirements of Section VI of the Consent Decree. We are proud of our collaborative efforts to create the least police-involved response to Behavioral Health (BH) related calls and we look forward to expanding this program in the future.

Read the Full Report

911 Diversion Program Expansion Report (Behavioral Health)

University of Baltimore Neighborhood Policing Plan Reports (Community Policing)

The Neighborhood Policing Plans (NPP) pilot program is a public safety strategy that uses a problem-oriented policing (POP) model to resolve challenges in the community that lead to crime and disorder. This pilot program is a part of both Baltimore Police Department’s Community Policing Plan and Mayor Brandon Scott’s Comprehensive Violence Prevention Plan. Under these plans, the City is aiming to shift its responses to public safety concerns of residents to create safer, strong communities in Baltimore.

The University of Baltimore’s School of Criminal Justice was selected as a research partner for the NPP pilot program. UBalt will evaluate the NPP pilot program’s implementation and impact. Additionally, they provide technical assistance to the pilot sites and city agencies in collecting data from the community, including community surveys and focus groups. This work will help assist BPD and MONSE in scaling up NPP programs to other communities in the city after the completion of the pilot phase.

Monitoring Team Assessments and Reports

To ensure that the BPD is on the path toward compliance, the MT provides semi-annual reports on overall reform efforts as well as in-depth compliance reviews and outcome assessments on the different sections of the Consent Decree. 

Click through the topics below to read the Monitoring Teams reports and assessments. Please note that these documents are not authored by the BPD and any questions regarding the content can be sent directly to the Monitoring Team.

Behavioral Health/Crisis Intervention Compliance Reviews

Annual Arrestee Survey: Experiences and Perceptions of the Police in Baltimore

This report relies on interviews with custodial arrestees in the Baltimore City Detention Center shortly after their arrest in order to understand residents’ experiences and perceptions of the police and their ideas about how to improve policing.


Officer Misconduct Review & Outcome Assessments

Review of Public Integrity Bureau Misconduct Investigations

Sexual Assault Investigations Outcome Assessment and Audits

Community Policing and Engagement Compliance Reviews